Introduction to Lean 3P Design Process

Allan R. Coletta, author of a new book The Lean 3P Advantage: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Production Preparation Process was a guest on the Business901 Podcast, Lean 3P is PDCA on Steroids. Allan is a chemical engineer with an extensive background in manufacturing operations, supply chain and engineering, gained while working in the chemical Read More …

Crucial & Collaborative Conversations for Predictable Design & Delivery

Alan Mossman is my guest next week on the podcast where we discuss the latest updates and writings on The Last Planner® System (LPS). The Last Planner® was created by Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell co-founders of the Lean Construction Institute. Alan is a lean design and lean construction consultant, trainer and author. He trained Read More …

The Lean Innovation Engine–Turn the Key

From Tina Seelig’s book inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity: Below is the fully functional Innovation Engine, showing how all the parts are braided together. The inside of the engine is intertwined with the outside; and the factors on the inside and outside mirror each other. All the parts of your Innovation Engine are inexorably Read More …

Lean 3P is PDCA on Steroids

Well said by Allan R. Coletta, author of a new book The Lean 3P Advantage: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Production Preparation Process. Development of the 3P process is attributed to Chichiro Nakao, a former Toyota group manager and the founder of Shingijutsu company. The accepted meaning of 3P is Production, Preparation, Process. Allan is Read More …

Jack Dorsey on becoming a better storyteller!

Square and Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey explains some important steps to becoming a better storyteller. According to Dorsey, the first step is to get ideas out of your head, whether you do it by writing or coding. Once the ideas can be reviewed outside your head, you can then decide whether to share them, or Read More …

Lean Design interview with Ron Mascitelli

Ron Mascitelli, president of Technology Perspectives and author of five books, his most-recent publication, Mastering Lean Product Development: A Practical, Event-Driven Process for Maximizing Speed, Profits, and Quality was my podcast guest this week. One of Ron’s earlier books, The Lean Design Guidebook: Everything Your Product Development Team Needs to Slash Manufacturing Cost (The Lean Read More …