Exploiting and Subordinating your Marketing Constraint

A continuation of my blog posts on Using the Theory of Constraints with your Marketing HourGlass. We are concentrating on optimizing the Throughput of the Marketing Hourglass utilizing the Five Steps of Continuous Improvement, Steps 2 and 3. Step 2. Exploit the system’s constraint This simply means; Getting the most out of the weakest link Read More …

The Marketing HourGlass

This is a simplified version of how a hourglass would look. As you can see the natural progression of the flow (know, like, trust… flow to the right), the enablers or information to move the process forward is provided above each step. Taking a group of current customers, you can identify this in your current Read More …

Seth Godin is experiencing a Lean Transformation

In a recent Seth Godin Blog he discussed “The modern talking pad“ Seth went on to say: “I think this is a big idea, but your mileage may vary. I’ve been having great success with a hybrid of the yellow legal pad and a printed presentation from Keynote (or Powerpoint). I use it during small Read More …

5 Step Process to Lean Marketing

Lean Marketing is a strategic methodology to streamline and automate the marketing processes in order to improve efficiencies through waste elimination. True lean companies strive to eliminate, not minimize all waste in the process. Most think of this as only a manufacturing or administrative function. This rule can apply when implementing lean marketing as well. Read More …

Lean Marketing Concentrate on Mura & Muri

Recently, after reviewing the Duct tape Marketing Blog, I was thinking about what John had said: Sometimes the Secret to Marketing is Just Being There. I wholeheartedly agreed with him, and wonder why there is such a lack of consistency in most people’s marketing, including my own. Most people that are familiar with Lean understand Read More …

Twitter, the Lean Six Sigma Way of Communicating

Is Twitter a waste of time? It can be without using the correct tools and measuring your effectiveness. But the benefits of using Twitter are just too great to ignore. Lean Six Sigma Marketers should start utilizing the tactics Twitter permits: Refined searches Immediate feedback on issues and problems Instantaneous Communication Data Accumulation Hundreds of Read More …