Most Magazine And Newspaper Sites Are Tricking You (And Their Advertisers)

Here’s what I do: I click on the “print friendly” version. No ads, no multiple pages to click through. It’s the full article, nice and clean. The same way you would have seen it in print (but without the ads). Why do Websites for magazines and newspapers always make you click through multiple pages to Read More …

Google Docs Templates For Search Marketers

In Nick’s blog he goes into much great detail on these templates. But the free templates available on Google and the rest of the Internet is just amazing. Even previewing books are getting to a point that I question if just following the author’s blogs and webinars are more value than buying the book? To Read More …

Webinar, Seminar and Stuff, oh My!

I am becoming a big, big fan of Nancy Duarte’s material. She has made my presentations better! What more can I say. If you give any type of presentation take a look at the link for the last webinar below. Good Stuff. The book Slide:ology is pretty good too. The last webinar I did for Read More …

How to Form an Innovation Strategy

Great post on thinking about your innovation strategy. But one comment he makes here is so true. How many of innovate one product at a time thinking that it is the answer. Remember, even with a well thought out strategy, you are not always right, especially when it comes to innovation. The word kind of Read More …

Rolling Out Product Innovations

I also would like to add that in my product launch packages we institute the 1 step at time approach. Making incremental steps allow you to measure results very easily and actually build a repeatable process that can be used over and over again. Though, we all recognize that no product launch is the same, Read More …