Are you ready to give up your Marketing Calendar?

It’s not working, it’s that simple. You are assigning responsibilities, deadlines and tasks, but it is just a headache to keep up. The most apparent problem: tasks are not getting handed off well or at the wrong time to others. Another problem may be, everyone’s priorities seem all mixed up, and one or two people Read More …

E-Mail Marketing Suppliers, can you do this?

Either through a customer or utilizing the services I have used most of the most popular E-mail providers. My list includes Constant Contact, Vertical Response, IContact, Get Response and decent knowledge of several drip marketing programs such as Infusion and Swiftpage. I have limited knowledge with other auto-responders but have dabbled with a few. My Read More …

Need an internet presence, but don’t have the time

First answer the question: What do you have to do? Get Found Online: To run a successful online business, people need to be able to find your website. You must improve your visibility. Improve Your Traffic: You must use customized SEO and Social Media tasks that help you boost the number of visitors to your Read More …

Increase Sales at Your Retail Store

Affiliate Post of week: IContact When you have a sale, wouldn’t it be great if you could contact your prior customers and let them know about it? How much would that increase your sales? Well, now you can. All you would need to do is put a sign-up form at the point of sale (POS) Read More …

Test the Success of Everything You Send

Article by David Leach of Swiftpage The most brilliant parts of email and email marketing are the testing and analytics. With email and the Internet, you can literally test the success of everything you send out, or put on the web. With this said, the ability to form a strict and effective testing process is Read More …

The Hitchhikers Guide to Lean Review

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean: Lessons from the Road – Amazon Link I recently was introduced through Mark Graban @leanblog to Jamie @flinchbaugh author of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean” and co-founder of the Lean Learning Center . I ended up doing a podcast with both of them, Mark’s will be posted July 29th and Read More …