The Missing Link in Continuous Improvement SALES (Not What You Think)

I introduced the SALES PDCA framework in the book, Marketing with PDCA. It is nothing more than a standard PDCA cycle except the SALES part of the framework is where the team gets its directions and coaching from the team coordinator and value stream manager. Within the actual PDCA stage, the team is empowered to make Read More …

Lean Thinking on Value

Adam Zak is the founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Adam Zak Executive Search and an accomplished senior executive with more than 25 years of experience spanning the areas of management consulting; financial and operations management; and talent acquisition. Adam excels at identifying and attracting business leaders who are experts in lean continuous improvement, Read More …

Having a Meaningful Dialogue x Adam Zak

Next week’s podcast is a two-part series with Adam Zak, founder and CEO of Adam Zak Executive Search. He is an accomplished senior executive with more than 25 years of experience spanning the areas of management, consulting, financial and operations management and talent acquisition. He co-authored the book, Simple Excellence: Organizing and Aligning the Management Read More …

The Customer Knowledge Map

This is not a Marketing Funnel We are in love with our mapping processes from Value Stream Mapping, Process Mapping and Customer Journey Mapping. My problem with most mapping processes is that we are making a prediction about how our customer is going to act. After we make this prediction, we determine the reactionary steps Read More …