Stanford Entrepreneurship Center: Evangelizing for the Lean Startup

Eric Ries of the Startup Lessons Learned Blog gives a great performance on this audio podcast. It looked like a VIDEO BUT HE NEVERS MOVE,   Related Posts: If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts! Key Marketing Concepts from the Korean War Using Agile Marketing in real life Boyd’s Law of Iteration: Read More …

Story of Going Lean in Healthcare: On the Mend

This past weekend I finished up reading On the Mend: Revolutionizing Healthcare to Save Lives and Transform the Industry. I started the book one morning over a cup of coffee and it was either a large cup of coffee or a very engaging book. I noticed a craving for a 2nd cup after 75 pages. Read More …

TOC Thinking Process Discussion

Theory of Constraints Handbook authors John G. Schleier, Jr. and James F. Cox III were part of my recent podcast Holistic approach to the Theory of Constraints. We covered so much material during the interview that I split the discussion to 2 parts. The one preceding and another on the Thinking Processes of TOC. I Read More …

Starting with the TOC Thinking Process

Theory of Constraints Handbook authors John G. Schleier, Jr. and James F. Cox III were part of my recent podcast Holistic approach to the Theory of Constraints. We covered so much material during the interview that I split the discussion to 2 parts. The one preceding and another on the Thinking Processes of TOC. This Read More …

Applying Value Stream Concepts eBook

This is a transcription of the podcast I had with Jim Luckman of the Lean Transformations Group. Jim will be the instructor for this LEI Workshop in Indianapolis on June 22nd – Value-Stream Mapping for the Office and Service: This interactive workshop demonstrates how to apply value-stream mapping, a fundamental and critical tool, to address Read More …

Compressing your Value Stream

A while ago it seemed like all customers were profitable. Sure we had a bad apple or two but most of the time we sold a product, customers bought it and, as a result, we made money. In today’s environment, it is very different. I would venture to say many of your customers are not profitable. Read More …