What is best practice?

Best practice, I always wondered who determined that?  NIBAC’s President Craig Crook was Joe Dager’s guest on his show Connecting Your Passion. Craig’s company is a Learning Center and as Craig calls it -Learning faster than your competitors is the only sustainable advantage. Technorati Tags: Lean ,Lean Marketing ,Lean Six Sigma ,Six sigma marketing ,Manufacturer Read More …

Lean Six Sigma – Implement

In my previous post on Lean Six Sigma marketing , I had stated Implement, the new process under a control plan, was the 5th step in building a Lean Six Sigma marketing process. I also stated that in the Duct Tape Marketing planning system that the Service Experience coincided with the definition of Implement. How Read More …

Lean Six Sigma Marketing – Explore

In my previous post on Lean Six Sigma marketing , I had stated Explore, the data to identify a cause and effect relationship between variables., was the 3rd step in building a Lean Six Sigma marketing process. I also stated that in the Duct Tape Marketing planning system that the Remarkable Story and Product or Read More …

Lean Six Sigma Marketing – Measure

In my previous post on Lean Six Sigma marketing , I had stated that it measuring the process and gathering the data that is associated with the problem, was the 2nd step in building a Lean Six Sigma marketing process. I also stated that in the Duct Tape Marketing planning system that the Lead Conversion Read More …

What is Lean Six Sigma

Review the video to see what TQM expert Craig Crook has to say about Lean Six Sigma. Technorati Tags: Lean Six Sigma ,Six Sigma ,Manufacturers ,Quality ,Marketing ,Manufacturer Marketing ,Lean

Lean Six Sigma & Marketing

Laying the ground rules for my upcoming posts, I will use the what I believe is the traditional approach to Lean Six Sigma, the DMEDI process. Skipping over DMAIC and DMADV and I am sure other initials are out there that may be applicable but I like the DMEDI. So what is it: Define the Read More …