What is Six Sigma

Six themes of Six Sigma: Focus on the Customer: Simply understanding your customer can lead to monumental improvements. Six Sigma improvements are measured by customer satisfaction and value. Fact-Driven Management, not estimating Six Sigma clarifies key metrics that gauge business performance success. Then problems can be effectively defined, analyzed and resolved, permanently. Focus on Process. Read More …

Sales Calls, sounds like an opportunity

A classic study of sales calls made by Dartnell and McGraw Hill produced the following fascinating statistics: 1.  80% of all sales are made only after 5 or more contacts 2.  48% of all salespeople give up after the first contact 3.  25% give up after the 2nd contact 4.  17% give up after the Read More …

Winning in a Down Economy

We live in interesting times. The rapid changes that thrust Wall Street into a tailspin these past few weeks has created a business environment that is far different from anything we’ve seen in the past. The panic on Wall Street has rippled quickly from the investment community into the executive suites of all of organizations Read More …

Seven Steps to Cost Reduction

Seven Step method for solving a cost reduction problem: 1. Define your problem 2. Define your ideal solution(Stop doing it!) 3. Gather the facts 4. Try various combinations, look outside the box, but be careful what you ask for you might get it. 5. Break the pattern, not everything happens outside the box. It is Read More …

Forgetting the Obvious, TQM & SCORE

Sometimes, I forget the obvious. Does that ever happen to you? Much of my background has always been predominantly in Small Business, manufacturing, process equipment and even defining it further in construction related fields. As, I was organizing my TV show content, I looked at two organizations, Fort Wayne SCORE and NIBAC, formerly the TQM Read More …

Three Steps to Innovating in Struggling Industries

Innovation is tough in the best of times. What do you do when times are tough and your industry’s very survival is in question? It is tough and don’t leave a good idea get wasted because of a poor plan. 1. Lower the cost of testing. Chapter 8 of our new book, The Innovator’s Guide Read More …