How Are You Finding Your Next Export Market?

Learn How Cultural Awareness Can Drive Your Global Performance: Tuesday, Sep 24, 9:00 AM EST Learn from Hofstede Insights and Prime Target how to increase your performance through better understanding your international customers. Hear from other businesses how they developed globally and managed the cultural differences during their international growth. Agenda Understand how to improve Read More …

Connecting The Basic Appreciative Inquiry Models

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and Action Research (AR) has become more prevalent in my marketing approach and toolbox. For my Lean connections, it is comparable to the way I think and use PDCA. I have a higher-order of thinking as I go left to right in the diagram, but the thought process remains basically the same. A Read More …

This Should Trouble Us

Why do we continue to get undesirable outcomes? Have you ever looked at your sales and marketing from a system perspective? To most this simple diagram looks complex. However, it is high-level and can be broken down into numerous subsets. You may notice the typical Google Acquisition block at its core which is very dynamic Read More …

Two Underserved Roles in Marketing

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein Many companies I work with simply do not understand their customers and to some extent, their core capabilities in the environment or eco-space their companies reside. When you understand your core customers, core capabilities it Read More …