All Sales Channels are not created equal

How do you go about creating sales channels and making them not competitive with each other. It is a pretty tall order in today’s world and one that really takes quite a bit of time so that they and yourself are not competing with each other. The Channel Advantage is a good book to start Read More …

Try starting with REALITY first

A Vlog on an article I recently published. It is one thing to be optimistic but it is another thing to completely ignore your surroundings. Video Removed. Technorati Tags: One Page Business Plange Business Plan,Marketing Plan Pro

Dorothy, it’s about the shoes!

How is your marketing doing in 2009? Have you increased it? We have just about completed the first 30 days and are you cutting back or moving forward? I am still talking to perspective clients that seem to lack direction. How can you not be focused by now? Case in point, Dorothy from the Wizard Read More …

Mirror your Customer – Making it your process

The previous 2 steps is very similar to creating a Current State Value Stream, much of what we do in Lean Processes or Lean Marketing. This step. I would relate to creating a Future State Value Stream.  You are now going to start thinking about the marketing materials to use or create for this process. Read More …

Mirror your Customer’s Decision Tree

This is a decision tree that I acquired from the Free Management Library many years ago. I recommend them as a very viable source of information. But to continue on with my series of blog post, on Mirror Marketing, the first requirement we had was to formulate the decision process of the customer. Many will Read More …

Six Sigma Marketing Efforts

Six sigma is such a good fit for the marketing process that you wonder why it was not developed for that part of the business first. Just review these central themes of Six Sigma: Focus on the Customer understanding your customer and his buying process can lead to monumental improvements. Center your marketing on what Read More …