What Happened to My Linear World

I grew up in the manufacturing world. I think I might have learned how to weld before I learned how to walk. I ended up putting myself through college along with help from the G.I. bill as a welder and later moved into industrial drafting. I even built process equipment. I loved process mapping; value Read More …

A Case for 2 Vision Statements

When you read most vision statements, at best, they provide lip service to the customer. I have a tendency to agree, your vision statement should be about you. In a past podcast, Ari Weinzweig, one of the founding partners of Zingerman’s Community Businesses discussed his ideas of writing a vision, when he said; The visioning Read More …

Best Stories About Value Are About Users

In discussing Goods Dominant Logic (Gd-Logic) versus Service-Dominant Logic (SD-Logic), I probably oversimplify the message when I use the comparison that GD-Logic focuses on the thought of value derived at the point of transaction and SD-Logic focuses on the thought of value derived at the point of use. I went into this thinking in a Read More …

Sales Stories: Are You Creating the Wrong Heroes?

An outline of most sales stories that you will see goes something like this. First, you must grab their attention or the hook. Second, you tell them a relevant story that addresses their needs starting with the current state and the deficiencies or pain points, proceeding to describe the future state and how it will Read More …

Your Internal Collaborative Structure

As the pace and complexity of business has grown traditional organization structures have been flattened through near constant reorganizations. The need for specialization within certain functions seems to prevent further reconciliation. Empowerment within business units and departments to make decisions within their scope of activities has increased, however, we often bump into "sub-optimizing the whole" Read More …

Storytelling in Healthcare

Annette Simmons wrote the book, The Story Factor (2nd Revised Edition), and a hidden gem, Territorial Games. The Story Factor became a classic when 800-CEO-READ named it in their book as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time (Penguin, 2009). Annette is the founder of Group Process Consulting. Related Podcast and Transcription: Read More …