10 Steps to Building Community

One of the buzzwords these days is community. Most brands struggle with creating community, and the first reason is that most brands want the community to be about them. I like to take a different approach, why build one at all? Or, why not join an active community where you can be an influencer or Read More …

Locking Customers into the Loyalty Loop

In a not so recent article (Nov/2015) on the Harvard Business Review, Competing on Customer Journeys by David C. Edelman and Marc Singer discusses the new shaping of the customer journey. Their description of the journey is shaped in a strikingly similar structure that remind many of us as a type of (not so) casual loop or a system archetype. Read More …

Addressing Customer Behaviors

Drinking a little Service Dominant Logic (SD-Logic) juice, I feel that the value the majority of organizations offer centers on the use of our products and services. The actual value a customer derives from our product or service.  Few of us would argue, but most of us continue to focus on the function of our Read More …

Estimating Your Sale Cycles

As most know, I think a few of the mapping methods used in the process fields are somewhat ludicrous when applied to sales and marketing. One of my favorites, of course, is Value Stream Mapping. It is, one of the applications that I see people try and try again to use thinking it can be Read More …