Going VIRAl, How do you do it?

  I hate re-blog a re-blog but Scott of Collective Wisdom should be complemented for bringing this post to me. We all want to create Buzz, nowadays an old term.  Todays, word is VIRAL…How do you do it? “ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom dedicated to Marketing, Advertising and the Creative Process“ – 1 new article Why do Read More …

How to Present Like Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is a masterful presenter, but he wasn’t always. Presenting is learned, just like typing or any other business skill. What makes Jobs so good? Communications expert Carmine Gallo has a few ideas. In a recent Webinar sponsored by Citrix Online, Gallo shared 10 presentation tips he learned from observing Jobs. Make a plan Read More …

How to Form an Innovation Strategy

Great post on thinking about your innovation strategy. But one comment he makes here is so true. How many of innovate one product at a time thinking that it is the answer. Remember, even with a well thought out strategy, you are not always right, especially when it comes to innovation. The word kind of Read More …

Do you use your marketing to sell inside your organization?

Do you use your marketing to sell inside your organization? Few projects are on time and under budget? These failures can be devastating to the individual, costly for companies and damaging to morale. Why do so many projects fall short of their initial expectations? There is a huge difference between who has a plan and Read More …