Becoming an Agile Family thru Kanban

Maritza van den Heuvel. a Certified Scrum Master and Certified Product Owner has been part of a software development team changing from waterfall to agile over the last three years, first as lead tester and now as the Product Owner. She is also a mom, with the ongoing challenge of keeping family life organized with Read More …

Coplien on Agile, Lean and Architecture

Jim (“Cope”) Coplien was my guest on the Business901 podcast, Why Architecture is needed even in Agile? We discussed his new book,Lean Architecture: for Agile Software Development but I found Cope’s view on Lean and Agile quite interesting. Even if you listened to the podcast, this transcription is worth a look. His thoughts on “Japanese Read More …

In becoming Agile, did we forget about Quality Assurance?

On the Business901 podcast, Software Quality Assurance Podcast with Murali Chemuturi, we discussed Software Quality Assurance and what Murali considers best practice. I found his position quite different from the Agile and Kanban Software people I typically interview. I think most people in the IT field will find it interesting. This is a transcription of Read More …

Moving from Manufacturing to Healthcare thru Lean Six Sigma

This is a transcription of the podcast, Manufacturing to Healthcare, the Tale of a Lean Six Sigma Consultant that I had with Jason Kilgore author of the book, The Elegant Process: The Guide to Enhanced Quality and Reduced Costs. In the book, Jason demonstrates his value-based approach to simultaneously achieving quality and financial goals through Read More …

Software Quality Assurance Podcast

I took a little different twist this week on the Business901 podcast and interviewed Murali Chemuturi, an information technology and software development subject matter expert, hands-on programmer, author, consultant and trainer. This podcast centered on Software Quality Assurance and what Murali considers best practice. I found his position quite different than the Agile and Kanban Read More …

Can MRP be a Demand Driven Tool

Chad Smith of the Constraints Management Group was the guest on the Business901 Podcast, Bringing New Thoughts to the Supply Chain thru MRP.  This is a transcription of the podcast. Chad is currently writing the third revised edition of Orlickys Materials Requirements Planning with Carol Ptak (a former B901 Podcast Guest). An excerpt from the Read More …