What do Customers Buy, Part 2

John Goodman’s new book, Customer Experience 3.0: High-Profit Strategies in the Age of Techno Service takes John’s Customer Service expertise and puts it into a digital context.  John has managed more than 1,000 separate customer service studies, including the White House sponsored evaluation of complaint handling practices in government and business and studies of word Read More …

Lean Service Design Program Offer

Lean Service Design changes the way you think about business. No longer can companies focus their efforts on process improvements. Instead, they must engage the customer in use of their product/service rather than analyzing tasks for improvement. We no longer build and hope that there is a demand. We must create demand through the services Read More …

What do Customers Buy: Experience or Product?

Part 1 of 2 with John Goodman Customer Experience 3.0: High-Profit Strategies in the Age of Techno Service is John Goodman new book and my guest this week on the podcast. John has managed more than 1,000 separate customer service studies, including the White House sponsored evaluation of complaint handling practices in government and business and studies Read More …

Don’t Add Functionality, Take Away Functionality

The American Management Association published John Goodman’s book, Strategic Customer Service, in May, 2009 and I think I have used it every week or at least every month since then. John is my guest tomorrow and next week on the podcast to discuss his new book, Customer Experience 3.0: High-Profit Strategies in the Age of Read More …

Interaction Design Foundation Making Technology More User-Friendly

I have been actively engaged the past month and taking my self-study efforts from a new organization, Interaction Design Foundation. At the present time I am participating in two classes,  Design Thinking and The Psychology of Online Sales. I have been enjoying and learning from both. I encourage you to read the press release from Read More …

What’s DIRF?

John Goodman, Vice Chairman of Customer Care Measurement and Consulting (CCMC), has published scores of articles including “Using Service to Grow the Top Line” in the AMA Journal, 8 articles in Quality Progress as well as BrandWeek, the American Banker and Marketing News. Business Week credits John’s research for creation of the GE Answer Center, Read More …