Value Chain Thinking, not Rocket Science

However, The majority of businesses struggle to apply it and when they do they often fail. There are some simple tips that senior managers should consider before taking the plunge – don’t try and do it alone (collaboration means sharing the journey – where to go and how to get there), don’t try to do Read More …

Cohesiveness of People and Process drives Profit

Next weeks Business901 podcast is Vivian Hairston Blade. Vivian is the Founder, President & CEO of Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting, LLC (EiGL Consulting, LLC) based in Louisville, KY.  EiGL Consulting focus their energies on helping develop an effective strategy to create customer value. Through a combination of coaching and training, they help you put Read More …

A Collaborative approach to Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping has been a practice that was first introduced in the book Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA by Mike Rother and John Shook. This groundbreaking workbook, which has introduced the value-stream mapping tool to thousands of people around the world, breaks down the important concepts of Read More …

Start w Journey vs Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping is a process most consider an exercise for finding and removing waste. It is a foundational Lean Tool that typically gets introduced early in a Lean Transformation. A Systems2win Excel template is depicted below: In Sales and Marketing you will utilize a Value Stream Mapping process on a project by project basis but Read More …

Proficient Drawing w Excel in 30 minutes!

Using Microsoft Excel as a drawing tool is a surprise to most of us. When we think of using Excel, we think of creating a spreadsheet and maybe if we are adventurous creating a graph. But there is a hidden power contained in Excel, the ability to draw. One of my most popular blog post Read More …

Sustain a Lean Culture, use Lean Tools

I worked the Systems2win booth this week at the AME Conference in Dallas, TX. I enjoy the opportunity tremendously as I get to spend a great deal of time with hundreds of Lean Practitioners in a variety of positions and industries. Discussing the Systems2win word and excel continuous improvement templates offers me the opportunity to Read More …