How I would Market your Company? – Step 1 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do:

  1. Get all of the material you have and a list of all your listings and advertising you are running.

When I do this step, I am usually handed a tri-fold brochure, tons of product material, post cards, 4-color advertisements and a profile or two of the owner that was in the look business publication. I hold my breath and in the back of my mind, I think – They call this marketing! Why do I say that? More and more the concept of marketing is becoming about the connection with the customer. The material I receive is typically all outbound marketing material. Very little of it is in any way trying to create communication with their customer base. And very little of it if any of it directly relates to the customers buying process. 

So, what do you do? My first step is to list their events on a calendar and post it to the wall. Look at my video on "How to make Marketing Calendar." It is a light hearted version of the process. After all the events are listed. I take the Marketing Funnel that we popularized in the Duct Tape Marketing Process. The Marketing funnel is depicted below. I take each of the pieces of literature and place it in one of the categories of Know, Like,Trust, etc. I directly relate each piece of the material see if it supports one of the steps in the funnel. If it does not support a step than what purpose does it actually serve? What typically happens is that most of the material ends up in the top of the funnel with very little of it being used in the bottom two-thirds.


So, what are we waiting for? Where does all you marketing material go?