Product Launch-Fizzle

Pragmetic Marketing Newsletter this month included this excerpt. Read the rest of the story which goes in depth with charts and all that cool stuff. The excerpt said: “So what is the point of product launch anyway? For most of us caught up in the vortex of getting a product to market, it’s to finish activity “A” or produce deliverable “B”. There is considerable pressure to get to market Publication web because so much money and
resources have been expended to develop and test the product.”

What the article discusses is the aftermath of a product launch, which I believe is quite interesting. I have written about this before but the buildup and the excitement centered around a launch can be so intense that we forgot about the transition to building a referral base or a community around that excitement. If you have ever attend a seminar of mine, I tell people it always easier to get a referral in the dating stag e rather then after your married for 3-years. After a sale is completed how many times does the excitement wear off with your customer and seems like you are just laboring through the process. You ask for a testimonial and sure they will send you one. But do you ever get one?

Blatant self-promotion – Of course, I have an entire referral program that helps with this. Or, we build customize launch programs .

Technorati Tags: Pragmatic Marketing , Referral Program , Launch Programs , Sales Conversion