Can Subscriptions Work in Any Business? Part 1 of 3

This is part 1 of 3 videos on Subscription Businesses. John Warrillow is the founder of The Value Builder System, a company that helps business owners improve the value of their company. The author of the bestselling book Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You, which was recognized by both Fortune Read More …

The Real Story on How to Keep Jobs at Home

The Dynamic, Collaborative Management Model That Saved a U.S. Manufacturing City SECOND SHIFT: The Inside Story of the Keep GM Movement (McGraw-Hill; August 2016; HC, $30.00;) details the complexities of an automotive industry rapidly transforming due to external economic and market forces; a community reliant upon a local manufacturing facility scheduled to be added to Read More …

Gaining From Our Setbacks – 2 of 2

In the interview, I turned it into a personal experience from raising my sons and associated experiences from the eSports world. As an award-winning sports journalist, Sam Weinman has long studied the ripple effects of losing. But as a father of two competitive boys, he struggled to convince them that failing—whether losing a hockey game or Read More …

Gaining From Our Setbacks – 1 of 2

As an award-winning sports journalist, Sam Weinman has long studied the ripple effects of losing. But as a father of two competitive boys, he struggled to convince them that failing—whether losing a hockey game or bombing a math test—can actually be a critical part of success. So he sought out the perspectives of men and Read More …

The Creative Process with Dr. Keith Sawyer

This is the compilation of the entire interview with Dr. Keith Sawyer. One of the country’s leading scientific experts on creativity, Dr. Sawyer is the Morgan Distinguished Professor in Educational Innovations at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. His book Group Genius shows us how to be more creative in collaborative group settings, Read More …

The Story of Ideas with Jiwa

Bernadette Jiwa has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and business leaders to understand their unique value, articulate their stories, build more successful businesses and become meaningful brands. Bernadette has written a number of successful books with my favorite her latest one, Meaningful: The Story of Ideas that Fly.  I came across Bernadette not only through her books, but Read More …