The Concept of Tension in the Organization

Episode 2: The Concept of Tension in the Organization John Latham of Systems Thinking About: John Latham combines experience and research to create flexible frameworks that facilitate the process of reimagining, redesigning, and transforming organizations. Some of the frameworks such as the Design Framework for Organization Architects™ emerged from practice and later tested and refined. Others emerged from research Read More …

The Leadership Framework

Episode 1: The Leadership Framework John Latham of Systems Thinking About: John Latham combines experience and research to create flexible frameworks that facilitate the process of reimagining, redesigning, and transforming organizations. Some of the frameworks such as the Design Framework for Organization Architects™ emerged from practice and later tested and refined. Others emerged from research and further developed in Read More …

The Need for Tension In Your Organization

I was first introduced to creative tension in Senge’s work in ‘The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization,’ and later was able to have a podcast with Robert Fritz who Senge had attributed the work. However, Fritz called it structural tension and explained it in detail in the book, Path of Read More …

Random Thoughts on Limiting WIP

The 2 key ingredients of Kanban from a personal standpoint depicted in the book Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life by Benson and Barry and in business described in the Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business> by Anderson were two things; visualize your work and limit work in process. From my perspective Read More …

Kata, If You’re Doing It Right, It’s Beyond Engaging

The brilliant part about the Kata is that it lays out a method and a routine, and if you follow the routine, you can learn it by yourself. I mean it takes some discipline in doing it, but it’s not rocket science. It is asking before telling. It’s observing, before doing it yourself and it Read More …

The Practical Application of Systems Thinking

John Shibley has 30 years of experience leading complex organizational improvement efforts in a variety of industries, sectors, and settings. His practice focuses on the intersection of strategy, innovation and organizational learning. He is a flexible and imaginative consultant with a history of working successfully with a variety of clients and for moving nimbly between Read More …