Dealstorming A3

Dealstorming is a problem-solving technique that Tim Sanders developed over the last fifteen years into a repeatable, cyclical process that has evolved to include the following seven steps: qualify, organize, prepare, convene, execute, analyze, and report. His book,  Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges goes much deeper into each of these steps. Read More …

Getting thru a Sales Problem

Tim Sanders has spent most of his career on the cutting edge of innovation and change. He was on the ground floor of the quality movement, the launch of the mobile phone industry and, most notably, the birth of the world wide web. He was an early stage member of Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner’s, Read More …

Want to Practice Lean? Try Gemba Academy

The Gemba Academy provides high quality online and DVD-based lean manufacturing training for individuals and groups. Ron Pereira, co-founder and partner, was my guest has more than 15 years experience in various manufacturing, supply chain, and senior leadership roles. Ron has held the titles of process engineer, engineering manager, master black belt, and director of manufacturing Read More …

Guidance for the New Manager

Bryan Armentrout  is the owner of The Food Leadership Group, a food safety and quality systems consulting firm. He has written a new book called The New Manager Mindset: How to Master the Four Secrets of Leadership that College Doesn’t Teach You which is about passing along what he has learned in over 20+ years as Read More …