Cespedes on Sales Strategies Part 2 of 2

Frank V. Cespedes is a Senior Lecturer of Business Administration in the Entrepreneurial Unit at Harvard Business School. He has run a business, served on boards for start-ups and corporations, and consulted to many companies around the world. He is the author of five books as well as articles in Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal, California Read More …

Supply Chain Stack

This is a collection of 20 – Business901 Podcast Transcriptions, called Stacks (see below) through my Issuu channel: Supply Chain A collection of Business901 Podcast Transcriptions that centered on applying Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints to the Supply Chain. Several people included are Chad Smith, Carol Ptak, Amir Schrangenheim, Robert Martichenko, and others. Stacks Read More …

Platform Building Matrix

Moving from Goods Dominant Logic to Service Dominant Logic? In the book, The Reciprocity Advantage: A New Way to Partner for Innovation and Growth, the authors give examples and describe the success of TED, IBM, Microsoft, Global Food Safety Initiative, Google, Apple, Airbnb and Tech Shop on creating new partnerships in order to achieve extraordinary growth. Read More …

Growing Your Company thru SOAR

We are all familiar with SWOT – Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  Few of us have not experienced creating one; it is sort marketing101 and even Business Planning101. It is effective and often used tool. What you put into it, is what you will get out of it. I challenge the use of SWOT occasionally, Read More …

Cespedes on Sales Strategies Part 1 of 2

Frank V. Cespedes is a Senior Lecturer of Business Administration in the Entrepreneurial Unit at Harvard Business School. He has run a business, served on boards for start-ups and corporations, and consulted to many companies around the world. He is the author of five books as well as articles in Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal, California Read More …