Lean Marketing

Lean Sales and Marketing is a method to make you more effective than your competitors. Lean is something that some people want to do, to beat their competitors. It is not something you have to do. Lean Sales and Marketing is essentially a knowledge transfer system; it’s a training system on how to define knowledge Read More …

Lean Marketing, The Toyota Way

I recently finished reading The Toyota Way in Sales and Marketing and was astonished by two facts that were prevalent in their marketing strategies. One is that they repeatedly discussed a marketing strategy based on the philosophy of a “Customer for Life.” Now that was not earth shattering, nor was the second fact of improving Read More …

The Marketing Funnel using Six Sigma DMAIC – Analyze Stage

The first 2-steps of the DMAIC process answered the questions: What is important and how are we doing? We also considered the marketing funnel stages of Awareness and Consider. The third stage of the process in DMAIC is Analyze and in the Marketing funnel it is Prefer or Trust.  Analyzing is about finding ROOT CAUSE Read More …

The Marketing Funnel using Six Sigma DMAIC – Define stage

Six Sigma or Lean practitioners would view what I say about DMAIC as hardly revolutionary. Marketers may view it as just a way for a Black Belt to find a way to maneuver themselves into some of their market share. I happen to be more of a marketing guy, than a Lean or Six Sigma Read More …

Your Marketing Vision should define your Customer’s Core Problem

Today’s products and services reflect greater marketing segmentation. As you know, I use the Duct Tape Marketing Hourglass as The Pillar of the Lean Marketing House™ but there is no universal terminology, it is just convenient to stay with one message because even as you segment your list you still have to recognize the marketing Read More …

Will A Customer Pay for Marketing

How do you add value in your marketing? Have you thought about it? To be effective in Content or Educational Marketing you must add value as defined by the customer. I want you to steer away from your first thought, which is more than likely your product or service, but instead think about your marketing Read More …