Value Stream Mapping for Marketing

This video series will explain the process I use in building a Lean Marketing House. This particular segment is a overview of applying Value Stream Mapping to Marketing. It centers more on the marketing then actual VSM principles. The entire series will be posted during this week. Related Information: The Pillar Worksheet Lean Marketing House Read More …

Pillars of Lean Marketing crumble?

Is it just poor planning? Maybe, you really did not believe in the system. Typically there are four barriers to implementation of most plans. Clarity, few people understand the strategies. People may not be directly linked or measured by the outcomes. Money, the entire process is not totally funded. Management looks for quick wins versus Read More …

Get Rid of Your Marketing Vision Statement and Address the NEED!

Most organizations try to develop a meaningful marketing vision statement designed to guide their action for today, tomorrow and in the future. The vision statement serves as a platform for all their marketing goals. Armed with a vision, you establish your marketing goals, which are time-sensitive and detailed orientated. We send the goals through the Read More …

Using the Theory of Constraints to improve your Marketing Hourglass

How can the Theory of Constraints play a role in the Marketing Process? First, you have to create an organized structure. I use the Duct Tape Marketing Hourglass as a pattern to create a logical path. However, I don’t stop there, because if you want a flood of new clients…well read the e-book. Using the Read More …

The Ultimate Marketing System – The Forgotten Pillar

Readers of my blog have read my explanations of the Lean Marketing House and how your Marketing Channels determine your number of pillars and the size of each. You can suffice with just one pillar if it is big enough and strong enough to hold up the roof but the other day I realized that Read More …

Jantsch is Experiencing Lean

Last week I wrote a blog post stating that I thought that Seth Godin was experiencing a lean transformation. I alluded to the fact that I thought John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing, was headed down the same path. After reading John’s blog post in the American Express Open Forum. I’m convinced! He said Read More …