What knowledge are you supposed to capture?

Do you capture everything? Is everything a lesson learned? How do you decide what you need to capture for the closeout? I asked Mel Bost a Principal Consultant in BOT International’s PMO Practice who specializes in PMO best practices, project lessons learned, and program management those questions in a past podcast, Related Podcast and Transcription:  Read More …

A Project Charter, You Gotta Be Kidding Me

I was thrilled to have Lou Russell  of RMA Associates as my guest next week on the podcast.  She is a project management guru who cut her teeth in Accelerated Learning. In fact, she wrote the book,The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook: Making the Instructional Process Fast, Flexible, and Fun. Tune in to find the connection. An Read More …

Is TWI a Strength-Based Approach?

When I think about Training within Industry (TWI), I think of a method of incremental training. You don’t go out and try to train everyone at once, but you work on Methos, Relationships and Instruction.  I asked Bob Petruska, the author of Gemba Walks for Service Excellence: The Step-by-Step Guide for Identifying Service Delighters, a Read More …

Communities Just Don’t Happen Mind Map

I have gotten out of the habit making as many mind maps as I once did. It is probably because the amount of books that I now have on Kindle. My current tendency is to highlight and make electronic notes in the book itself. It has replaced the post-it-notes inside the books on my bookshelf. Read More …

Is Trust in Sales Still Needed?

The Trust Equation Trustworthiness = (Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy) / Self-Orientation The above equation was a central part of a discussion with Charles Green, author of a series of books that have long been a favorite of mine.  I own all of them and even have one in both print and audio. These books Read More …

What Type of Individual Manages A Project Better

I asked MICHAEL SINGER DOBSON, a marketing executive, project management consultant and nationally-known speaker; “In all your experiences, is there a certain type of individual that manages a project better? To me there always seem that if you get the right guy heading the project, it gets done.” Michel has been a staff member of the Read More …