Scaling Customer Decision Making Process

In yesterday’s blog post, I made a statement that I find a striking resemblance in the Toyota Supplier hierarchy (on left) depicted by Liker and Meier (The Toyota Way Fieldbook) and the Economic Pyramid model (on right) of Pines and Gilmore (The Experience Economy). It deserves a better description. If we were to view the Read More …

Lean needs Marketing, more than Marketing needs Lean!

In The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing edited by Robert Lusch and Stephen Vargo they present the case to use SD-Logic as a foundation versus a total integrative marketing method. I believe that Lean viewed through the lens of PDCA as a knowledge creation platform can serve as the vehicle for implementation of this Logic. The Read More …

Customer Experience more powerful than the Supply Chain?

During the past few months I have been spending time understanding the Service Design concept. The history according to Wikpedia: The earliest contributions on service design (Shostack 1982; Shostack 1984), the activity of designing service was considered as part of the domain of marketing and management disciplines. This design process, according to Shostack, can be Read More …

Rethinking Customer Needs w Innovation

True service innovation demands that you shift the focus away from the solution and back to the customer. To achieve this shift in your business–one that takes you from making educated guesses to building a clear model to guide service innovation—Lance Bettencourt instructs on the finer points of how to rethink your approach to the Read More …

Why the Lean SALES PDCA Cycle was Created!

I struggle with Lean when thought of as waste reduction tool versus a Knowledge Creating Methodology. Many people and organizations want to jump into the mode of waste reduction when working with a sales and marketing cycle. It is one of the reasons I created the SALES PDCA cycle. The SALES PDCA cycle creates two Read More …