Gaming can make a better world

Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world problems? Jane McGonigal says we can, and explains how. Related Information: 7 Principles of Universal Design & Beyond The Common Thread of Design Thinking, Read More …

Will Lean always internalize the customer

I was in a recent LinkedIn discussion that referred to Sales and Marketing customer as being the internal organization and their role was to optimize the throughput of the observation. The sales and marketing role was further explained in the terms of takt time based on optimal production of the organization. The goal of sales Read More …

A compatible future for Lean and MRP?

There seems to be an element of distaste from Lean Supply Chain people about MRP. Not being a Supply Chain expert it is really not for me to comment. But I did ask Carol Ptak and Chad Smith to address a few of those issues in the Business901 podcast, and in the podcast, Is Orlicky’s Read More …

Summary of the 6-part blog Series using DDMRP

This is part of my blog series on using the principles of Demand Drive MRP and its five primary components and applying it to marketing. This particular blog is the summary of the series. These five components work together to dampen, if not eliminate, the unnecessary nervousness of traditional MRP systems and the resulting bullwhip Read More …

Highly Visible and Collaborative Execution

This is part of my blog series on using the principles of Demand Drive MRP and its five primary components. I would recommend reading the blog posts in order for better understanding: Is Orlicky’s MRP relevant today? Think DDMRP What Sales and Marketing can learn from Demand Driven Manufacturing Positioning your organization to learn from Read More …

Systemizing the transfer of knowledge at the execution level

This is part of my blog series on using the principles of Demand Drive MRP and its five primary components. I would recommend reading the blog posts in order for better understanding: Is Orlicky’s MRP relevant today? Think DDMRP What Sales and Marketing can learn from Demand Driven Manufacturing Positioning your organization to learn from Read More …