Simplifying Lean and Six Sigma for Government and Healthcare

Improve Healthcare and Government thru Lean and Six Sigma…You just Gotta Wanna! This was the theme echoed numerous times by my podcast guest, Jay Author of QI Macros. We started out discussing his book, Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals: Simple Steps to Fast, Affordable, and Flawless Healthcare but soon moved into a discussions that can Read More …

Blended Learning Programs in Lean Six Sigma

Many people shy away from quality or continuous improvement programs since they are unable to see the direct benefits of it. Steven C. Wilson a leading Lean Six Sigma Trainer in the State of Iowa outlined a unique training program at the Southwest Iowa Manufacturers Alliance for Quality program. He introduced his latest adult learning Read More …

DMAIC, DMADV, Lean, Six Sigma for Government?

A short introduction by Maria Elena-Stopher, describes lean transformation at the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, and shares lessons learned in Lean applied to federal government processes. Full one-hour video is available for purchase through the Maryland World Class Consortia. Is this process doable on a national level, a lot of people think Read More …

Balancing Internal and External Lean Six Sigma Consulting Roles

Steve is the epitome of today’s successful consultant. He acts as a in-house consultant for a major healthcare facility in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area, instructs at many of the Iowa Community Colleges, conducts Green Belt and Black Belt training for industry and hosts the Blog Talk Radio Show, Quality Conversations. This is a transcription Read More …

Lean, Quality, Six Sigma Consultants and Organizations – 28 Day Marketing Program

I am putting a different twist on these programs. All of the webinars will be distributed at the designated time to provide a structured learning concept but they will be yours to keep. I won’t be taking the time off though. In addition to the webinar training, I will be offering the participants the opportunity Read More …

Could your Six Sigma Storyboard Compete?

A Six Sigma Storyboard provides a quick, visual summary of a team’s work. They are very well suited as presentation materials to highlight the work of the project, the improvements made and for executive overviews.  I think Six Sigma Storyboard presenters should take it up a notch. A DMAIC presentation can have a little Jazz Read More …