What Would You Ask at a Tollgate

In a recent post, Using the Six Sigma Tollgate in your Marketing Funnel I went through the concept of using a tollgate in your marketing funnel. Below is a list of questions that might help general a few ideas that you may want to consider. The list was derived from the book Implementation: How to Read More …

Evaluating your Marketing Funnel, Only Seven Levers matter

In my Marketing Your Black Belt webinar, I have created several tools to measure your effectiveness and how to create a meaning full value stream in your marketing process. One of the resources that I used was an excellent book, Professional Services Marketing: How the Best Firms Build Premier Brands, Thriving Lead Generation Engines, and Read More …

eBook on a Lean Journey

Jim Lewis was the guest on the Business901 Podcast and this e-book is a transcription of our recent podcast. Even if you listened to the podcast, I believe you will enjoy the written version. Our discussion centered on how to begin with Lean and the development of a Value Stream Mapping process. Jim is an Read More …

Using the Six Sigma Tollgate

Recently, I went through the process of using DMAIC as a way of defining your marketing funnel. We looked at Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control and  utilized these basic principles to walk a customer through the marketing funnel. In other posts, I discussed the ability to create a shorter cycle time by decreasing the Read More …

Using Value Stream Mapping in Lean

Drew was my guest on the Business901 Podcast. Our talked centered around how Drew uses the Lean tool of Value Stream Mapping. I think you may be surprised by a few of his answers. Drew is currently Managing Director for Change Management Associates. CMA provides Lean Enterprise Consulting and Organizational Development services to industrial and Read More …

The Marketing Funnel using Six Sigma DMAIC, Control Stage

The first 4-steps of the DMAIC process answered the questions: What is important, how are we doing, what is wrong and what needs to be done? We also considered the marketing funnel stages of Awareness, consider, prefer and evaluate. The fifth stage of the process in DMAIC is Control and in the Marketing funnel it Read More …