A Practical Approach To Crisis Project Management

Crisis management is a topic that’s often in the news, but it’s also something businesses need to plan. A crisis can strike anytime without warning and quickly spiral out of control if it’s not managed properly. A well-run crisis management project can help mitigate the damage caused by a crisis and even help your business Read More …

How Customer Success Teams Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

In software, users never really “quit” an app; they simply become inactive. This is why onboarding and user success are so crucial to the long-term success of your business. A recent study found that the average user will only return to your app nine times before giving up on it for good. That is a Read More …

Align Your Company Around Customer Value

A customer value strategy will articulate your company’s approach to creating and delivering customer value. This strategy should consider the needs and wants of your target customer base and your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Once you have a clear customer value strategy, you can start aligning your business around it. This means ensuring that all Read More …

Core Strategies of Successful Appreciative Inquiry Salespeople

Focus on What Works to Drive Winning Performance and Build a Thriving Community Appreciative inquiry has gained traction as a unique sales playbook. This is because it focuses on the customer and their needs instead of the product or features offered. As such, buyers feel they are being heard and understand how the solution will Read More …

A Visual Representation of the Relationship between Customers, Concepts, and Ideas

A sales inquiry conceptual map can help you understand the relationships between different concepts and identify the key ideas you need to focus on. To create a conceptual map, start by brainstorming a list of key concepts related to sales inquiry and then link them together with precise phrases. This visual represents the relationships between Read More …