Lean Scale Up eBook

I think Lean is the best way to scale a company. Not only does it gives us that inside and outside learning perspectives, but it also helps us manage three Lean learning concepts; SDCA, PDCA, and EDCA. It allows us to dedicate a portion of our work to what we are doing well (SDCA=Standard Work), Read More …

CAP-Do eBook Free Download, No Registration

The process of CAP-Do originated from the work of Yoji Akao in his Hoshin Kanri and QFD work and later reinforced in Brian Joiner‘s work taking my Lean Thinking to a new level. The idea of Turning Reflection into Action (InfoGraphic on Slideshare) allowed me to use Lean as an emergent process. What makes CAP-Do Read More …

Can Lean Help Predict The Future? (Rev2)

Putting the ideas of a futurist such as Amy Webb into practice can be a good start. The ideas Webb discusses in her book has helped me refine a few of my methods. It has helped me develop a better practice routine and believe it gave me a better feel for evaluating the future and as Read More …

Be The Change

What if we stop trying to solve problems for customers? What if the customer left with the thought of What If? Problem-solving has been commoditized. It is an idea that has been widely spread with a great deal of research. A few examples: Dan Pink aspires to this thinking in his book, To Sell is Human that problem-solving Read More …

Lean Scale Up InfoGraphic

Why not simplify the process and use an established methodology, a way of thinking to your business? Don’t leave good ideas fail because of a poor process. Processes are not easy. Change is not easy. Lean will not offer you a step by step process to make growth work. Lean only offers a better opportunity Read More …