Using A3 Thinking in Lean Sales and Marketing

(2) One-hour Sessions on Consecutive Days When most Lean Organizations try to introduce Lean to sales and marketing they seldom take the time to develop Lean Thinking. They first start trying to apply the tools of Lean or trying to build a culture of Lean. It is a very difficult thing to do. Using the A3 Read More …

Developing Individual Habits for Kata & Lean Startup Thinking

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Will Durant In the book The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life — Master Any Skill or Challenge by Learning to Love the Process, author Thomas M. Sterner uses some familiar patterns to practitioners of  Mike Rother’s Read More …

Lean A3 Thinking Audio Book

A collection of Business901 Podcasts that has been grouped under the title of Lean A3 Thinking. It includes the authors below in the order of appearance and totals around 2 1/2 hours in length. If you prefer a transcription most of them are available on the Business901 Issuu website: Tracey Richardson is a Lean Thinker with Read More …

Lean Marketing with A3 Thinking

Introducing Lean A3 Thinking to Sales and Marketing. It is aimed at mature companies, and even more focused on companies practicing Lean in operations. YouTube: Don’t forget to join the Lean Marketing Lab to receive the Marketing with A3 eBook.

Dan Roam on Lean A3s

When using the Lean  A3 method of thinking we are told to make visual stories. I could not think of a better person to ask about condensing a visual story on one-page than Dan Roam. Dan Roam is the author of the international bestseller, The Back of the Napkin (Expanded Edition): Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures, Read More …

Deploying your Marketing Storyboard

Articulating a vision is not an easy process. Even more difficult is implementing the vision. Most of the time even if you had a way the vision might have changed along the way there. The important part is getting started and learning along the way. The vision needs to be there if for nothing else Read More …