Improve Listening thru the Practice of Empathy

Leon Berg is a founding member of the Ojai Foundation, an educational sanctuary in the Upper Ojai Valley of Southern California. He is a Senior Trainer of the Ojai Foundation’s Center for Council Practice, and has been facilitating Council groups in the U.S. and abroad for over 20 years. In 2001, he went to Israel Read More …

SALES CAP-Do Canvas or Maybe an A3

SALES PDCA is the framework I use for the process that takes place in the customer sales and marketing cycle. It is a standard PDCA cycle except the SALES part of the framework is where the sales team gets its directions and coaching from the team coordinator and value stream manager. Within the actual PDCA Read More …

How are you going to Co-Create?

Open Innovation, Co-Creation, Co-Producing are practically buzz words in the social media sphere. I do agree, a collaborative thinking process needs to become part of every organization. It will take a strategic plan and effort by organizations to move products/services into an area that facilitates collaborative thinking and eventually, co-creation platforms. You cannot wake up Read More …

Should Behaviors Drive our Personas?

Cutting through Clutter and Competing on Clarity When I venture out to improve the sales and marketing process, these are core ingredients that I need to address for a successful outcome. The primary source for this information is from the book and handbook of Bill Jensen, Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage in a World of Read More …

User Personas replaced Buyer Personas?

Expanding your reach to as many people in an organization can be more important than finding and concentrating on the decision maker. You have to move away from the structure of selling to the traditional hierarchy that is demonstrated in a command and control environment. This is difficult at times because you have predefined outcomes Read More …

Planning the Future with SD-Logic

Pioneering transformative scenario planner Adam Kahane visits the RSA to outline a powerful new methodology for dealing with some of the world’s most intractable challenges. I highly recommend two of Kahane’s books, Transformative Scenario Planning: Working Together to Change the Future and Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities. Read More …