Prototyping into a Working Form

An original idea may be your starting point and Your First Prototype is with Pen and Paper. If or when your idea receives support from others, you will be at a point to take more serious design steps. Most successful product launches start with a clear vision of what they want to accomplish. This is Read More …

Prototypes provide a Pathway for Connecting with Customers

Prototyping is a way to introduce our products or services in a very disarming way. It is a way of saying, “I respect your opinion.” Creating that empathetic connection with others can have a profound impact on your company. We all prefer to buy products from people that we perceive to be experts in their Read More …

Your First Prototype is with Pen and Paper

There are few faster, cheaper and more effective tools than the pen and paper. It’s easy, you can use it anywhere and anytime and it is one of the most effective collaboration tools that exist. The best course I have ever taken since college and in fact, I might as well throw college into the Read More …

Blog Carnival Annual Roundup 2011

Graham Hill at CustomerThink Graham works in innovation, service design, value co-creation and private equity with DesignThinkers, Optima Partners, Loyalty Factory, and Nyras Capital. Graham was formally the head of CRM at Toyota Financial Services and can be found at the Customer Insider Blog on the Customer Think website. I am honored this year to Read More …

Mapping the Digital Frontier with the Multiverse

Where is the Digital Frontier taking us? Joe Pine has 2 new books out this summer, Infinite Possibility and The Experience Economy, Updated Edition. The Experience Economy identified a shift in the business world back in 1999 and many of the items discussed are just being realized today. In fact, the idea of staging experiences Read More …

LabWorks Opens in the Lean Marketing Lab

The virtual community of the Lean Marketing Lab open its doors (gateway) on Monday. November 21, 2011. This online community was created to further the cause of bringing continuous improvement to the sales and marketing community. The foundational work is in Lean but you will find a flavor of Service Design and Design Thinking intertwined. Read More …