The Eagles always understood!

I think John Jantsch’s description in his post yesterday on the Duct Tape Marketing Hourglass was very thought provoking and is one of things that he had written about in his book that not only has proven the test of time but have proven very correct in practically any kind of media, online and offline. Read More …

The best Marketing in the world has failed, NOW WHAT!

What happens when you have the best marketing system in the world, the best marketing plan,the best advertising, the best referrals, the best public relations and you still lack sales! Find out why you may not need any of these things and how changing one simple thing could bring you a flood of new customers. Read More …

Do you know the last time I was on a horse?

Ok, I am going to rant a bit over an honest mistake but in this day and age, I wonder what demographics this company is using? Several months ago, I started receiving a very high-end horse magazine. Suburbia me, I can’t even remember the last time I was on a horse. In fairness, 15 years Read More …

Machine Gun Marketing

I was reading Success Coaching U Blog and the other Joe wrote an article about Ready, Aim, Fire. Good headline, you already can guess what the headline is about, Target Marketing. I remembered a piece of advice I received from another Duct Tape Marketing Coach on targeting your direct mail, which I call the Machine Read More …