What is your iCustomer Level

If the customer interaction (iCustomer) is an important part of marketing you should be able to measure it. But first, let’s review a few of other popular “scores” out there. Net Promoter is a customer loyalty metric developed by (and a registered trademark of) Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix. It was introduced by Read More …

Is Customer Centricity the Answer?

I have come to believe that in many successful companies there is not a lot of low-hanging fruit left. They simply cannot make efficiency changes that will create significant differences in the market place. Does that mean you should stop? Not at all, that’s part of the dilemma. Your competitors are improving so that means Read More …

Is Your Org, Product or Customer Centric?

All of us want to be customer-centric? Are your products and organization structured to be customer-centric?  In the book, Designing Your Organization: Using the STAR Model to Solve 5 Critical Design Challenges, the authors discuss the differences between being product-centric and customer centric.  Listen to what co-author Amy Kates says.. Adapted from the book, I Read More …

Is your organization a learning organization?

This is an interview with David Garvin and Amy Edmondson, Professors, Harvard Business School. Learning organizations generate and act on new knowledge. The ability to do this enables companies to stay ahead of change and the competition. This is the the link to the PDF of article that is discussed in the interview, Is Yours Read More …

Fantastic Conversation on the Multiverse

Every marketer and gamer should watch this! Joe Pine seeks to do nothing less than redefine our known universe — a bold goal which manifested itself in The Multiverse, a 3D framework he created. By examining the fields created at the intersection of three axes (space/no space, time/no time, and matter/no matter), Joe introduces us Read More …

Scaling Customer Decision Making Process

In yesterday’s blog post, I made a statement that I find a striking resemblance in the Toyota Supplier hierarchy (on left) depicted by Liker and Meier (The Toyota Way Fieldbook) and the Economic Pyramid model (on right) of Pines and Gilmore (The Experience Economy). It deserves a better description. If we were to view the Read More …