The Failure of Sales in Such an Easy Job

Every time you go to sell something, you try to influence someone. Often times, you are trying to influence someone to think like you do. And even more often, you are trying to get an organization to think like you or think like your organization thinks. Such an Easy Job Every organization has its own Read More …

Sales Discovery Questions for Value

If your mindset moves along the Service Dominant Logic thinking path that value is co-created through use, we can view value from three points; Functional, Social, Emotional. Functional (Know): This is the practical side where we help solve problems, resolve issues, get projects done and accomplish tasks. Emotional (Feel): We make people feel better and Read More …

The Transfer of Knowledge in PDCA

The Knowledge Vee by Gowin offers a unique perspective for Lean People trying to apply Lean to Sales and Marketing. Most of us relate PDCA to the typical manufacturing analogies such as cycle time and waste reduction. The Knowledge Vee, I have found to be useful in transferring the knowledge-creation activities or thoughts to PDCA. Read More …

Leave the Customer Win Your Heart!

Stories are the best way to get our point across. In fact, we are schooled on how to tell stories and recently you are seeing more and more presentations handled in story fashion. An Ancient North American Proverb states, Tell me a fact, and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth, and I’ll believe. But tell Read More …

Do We Know How to Learn from Customers?

Any reader of the Business901 blog or twitter followers for any length of time has heard words echoing in this space such as… “The only competitive advantage you have is the rate at which you learn from your customers.” “Positioning your organization in your customer’s playground is the most important role marketing has.” Along with Read More …

Can Lean lead to Better Intuition?

One of the most difficult things to teach people is intuition. Even when you say, “How to become more intuitive?” it seems to have this mystical sound to it. In Gary Klein’s book, The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work, he discusses the ability to recognize Read More …