Am I asking too much from a respected Lean Company?

Goods Dominant Thinking still resides in this Lean Manufacturer  I have addressed many Lean Manufacturers through the years about applying Lean to Sales and Marketing, and the truth is that it has been a dismal journey to say the least. The areas of software and services mixed with Lean Startup and Agile principles seem to Read More …

Using Soar: Strength, Opportunities, Aspiration, Results

I often use SOAR in the initial sequence of steps in working with clients. This helps ensure we carefully think through what outcomes we want to create, what supports and barriers we need to plan for, and who we have to involve within your organization to guarantee success. The starting point looks like this: Strengths: Read More …

Lean Sales Integration

In the appendix of the book, Lean Integration: An Integration Factory Approach to Business Agility, I found a set of integration laws that I thought worthwhile sharing. I added my comments to each law on the thought it sparked. Integration “laws” are ways of thinking about the fundamental drivers of integration. The laws reflect the Read More …

Is the Value in the Conversation versus the Proposition?

A value proposition describes the value that your products/services offer those who purchase them. It states the compelling reason people buy from us. The stronger we make the proposition through quantifying it during the sales process the more likely we will get the sale. The statement(s) can be governed by Social, Emotional or Functional values. Read More …

The Intangibles Will Create Your Success

Are you delivering knowledge to your customer in each and every step of the sales process? Do you have SMART Goals outlined to follow and assist your customer in making the decision he invited you to assist with? When we model the sales activity, we get into very specific kinds of interactions that are critical Read More …