Customer Monitoring 6 Sigma Marketing

The Monitoring (Control) stage is where you learn how to put monitoring systems into place to ensure that their competitive value proposition accomplishes what is intended. This control effort focuses not only on the more strategic value proposition, but also can be set up to monitor specific transactions such as sales, repairs, inquires and other Read More …

Customer Retention w Six Sigma Marketing

The Retention (Improve) stage could also be called the Enhancement stage. For value leaders, the focus should be on enhancing value to sustain their leadership position. Extending the gap between the value an organization provides and the value provided by the nearest competitor can lead to best in market status. Value followers will want to Read More …

Customer Acquisition w Six Sigma Marketing

In the Acquisition (Analyze) stage you will use primarily the Competitive Value Matrix to guide you through the delivery of value delivery. An organization’s value is relative to that of its competitors. This is part of the buyers’ comparative calculus in assessing where to buy. The buyer is asking a simple question: “Is this brand Read More …

Lean 3P Design more Humanistic by Going Back to Nature

In the Lean Design we use a process that is called Lean 3P. One of the most contentious part of 3P is this idea of looking to nature, to try to find solutions to the problems you’re trying to solve. We begin by looking at all the value?adding steps. Then for each of those value?adding Read More …

SD-Logic at the Center of Business Growth

It is always funny that until you have purchased a new car, you see so few of them on the street. Afterwards, it seems like every light you pull up to there is one. Even the different makes start looking like your own. Tuesday night, I posted a blog, Is there a Fifth way to Read More …