Step into the future with Industry 5.0

Step into the future of manufacturing with Industry 5.0, the next industrial revolution set to unlock unprecedented potential for manufacturers. Industry 5.0 is all about the collaboration between humans and advanced technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Gone are the days of solely automated production lines. With Industry 5.0, manufacturers can Read More …

Embracing the Future: Three Exciting Scenarios for Industry

Welcome to a glimpse of the future – Industry 10.0. With the rapid pace of technological advancements and digital transformation, industries worldwide are on the brink of a major revolution. This article explores three exciting scenarios illustrating how businesses can embrace emerging technologies and harness their transformative power. Industry 10.0 represents the next generation of manufacturing Read More …

The Future of Sales Distribution for Equipment Manufacturers

Traditional sales distribution strategies for equipment manufacturers Traditional sales distribution strategies for equipment manufacturers have often relied on intermediaries such as dealers and distributors to reach customers. These intermediaries are crucial in the distribution process, from warehousing and logistics to marketing and sales. However, this traditional approach can present challenges for manufacturers, such as limited Read More …

Choosing the Right Distribution Channels

Identifying and selecting the right channels that best suit your business operations is key when crafting an effective distribution channels plan for your marketing framework. Distribution channels are the different paths to deliver a product or service to its intended customer. These channels enable companies to increase their reach and expand their customer base in Read More …

How Adaptable is Your Supply Chain?

Lean for many years has promoted the idea of a flow-based system tied to actual demand and TOC has helped solve other associated problems with Drum-Buffer-Rope. Both of these systems offer flow-based thinking which I believe is a current minimum requirement over the cost-based systems of the past. However, they both start breaking down when Read More …

The Real Story on How to Keep Jobs at Home

The Dynamic, Collaborative Management Model That Saved a U.S. Manufacturing City SECOND SHIFT: The Inside Story of the Keep GM Movement (McGraw-Hill; August 2016; HC, $30.00;) details the complexities of an automotive industry rapidly transforming due to external economic and market forces; a community reliant upon a local manufacturing facility scheduled to be added to Read More …