Do You Remember Share of Voice?

Kevin Allen spent two decades on the front lines of business development at the top of advertising giants McCann-WorldGroup, the Interpublic Group and Lowe Worldwide and is recognized as one of the advertising industry’s most accomplished growth professionals. I found it fun re-living some of the older terms Related Podcast and Transcription: Hidden Agenda Joe: Read More …

CREATe a Simple Work Flow

Outside of blogging and podcasting, I do actually get a few real jobs that typically involve creating workflows to assist in managing and implement a change. This is done a variety of ways, and I take little credit for any success. I have followed John Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Change introduced in Leading Change as closely Read More …

Can you manage uncertainty without a good grasp of numbers?

I asked Kaiser Fung this question in my previous podcast, Interpretations of Data. The short answer to that question was Statistics is not there to eliminate or to cure variability. Variability is something that’s out there that cannot be cured. What statistics does is to create a way for us to measure the degree of Read More …

Are you struggling to define your Target Market?

This outline is not an in-depth user analysis by any stretch of the imagination. It is more for the product-orientated company that needs a simple wake-up call about defining their customer base. I still struggle with narrowing the focus of customers when face with the decision of where to direct their marketing efforts. This outline Read More …

Community is an Organic Construct

An Organization is an inorganic construct. That is why organizations struggle building community.  It seems the harder we try, the more difficult it is. Listen or watch as Rosetta President Tom Adamski explains how communities and relationships are transforming the way companies do business. Tom drives Rosetta’s fast growing Commerce business and oversees Marketing and Read More …