Principles of Value Stream Marketing

On my podcast the other week, I had Robert Martichenko of LeanCor co-author of the Lean Enterprise Institute’s newest lean workbook, Building a Lean Fulfillment Stream. The book builds on the concepts of waste, flow, and pull. This workbook illustrates how to analyze the traditional supply chain as a flowing stream of products and information. Read More …

Cadence in your Marketing Kanban

One of the best things about developing a Marketing Kanban is it allows you to create a separate cadence for each marketing segment. The old saying is Different Strokes for Different Folks. Why should marketing be any different? The Value Stream Marketing diagram symbolizes exactly how important a cadence is. I use a typical Scrum Read More …

Compressing your Value Stream

A while ago it seemed like all customers were profitable. Sure we had a bad apple or two but most of the time we sold a product, customers bought it and, as a result, we made money. In today’s environment, it is very different. I would venture to say many of your customers are not profitable. Read More …

5 Steps to Lean Six Sigma Marketing Success

An overview on applying Lean Six Sigma to the marketing process. Many people question whether you can apply Lean and Six Sigma to the marketing process. I think the question may be: Is your marketing team disciplined enough? Related Posts: The Pull in Lean Marketing Six Sigma Marketing Lessons from Eric Reidenbach

Why should half of your marketing fail

The need for a high failure rate is in direct contradiction to many of my conversations. It is also against most people’s approach of trying to do everything right the first time. I was reviewing one of Donald Reinertsen older books, Managing the Design Factory. Reinertsen is simply a great author that takes what I Read More …