Lean Marketing Assessment – Why

Why do I think you need a lean marketing assessment. An assessment will allow organizations to gain a clear snapshot of their present marketing conditions and practices. The participants can use the assessment to determine areas in need of improvement and develop a plan accordingly. The Business901 Lean Marketing Assessment is used to determine a Read More …

Lean Marketing = Understanding Target Market and Ideal Client

The first step in any lean process , Woops the 2nd step(the 1st being 5S), is understanding or identifying your target market and ideal client. Many  people fail to do this and in a recession it can lead to disaster rather quickly. The Marketing Mavens by Noel Capon is a great book to assist you Read More …

Lean your marketing

I recently contributed a blog post to the American Express Open Forum that included this list. If you would like to read the entire post, please go directly to the above link. My first question would be, “Is your marketing team disciplined enough?” How do you find out, start with this conversation: Is there a Read More …

Statistics On Advertising During a Recession

by Paul Dunay I think Seth Godin outlined marketing’s Catch 22 best in his book The Purple Cow (and I am paraphrasing here): When times are tough the tendancy is to conserve capital vs. when times are good the tendancy is to not be aggressive. As marketers we are so often faced with the dilemma Read More …

What is your present state?

What is going on within your company? You have to know where you are at before you start going forward. Take a look and consider some of these questions before you start describing your future state> Compared to last year sales to this year? What were the reasons for your predictions, did they come true? Read More …

Do you have a customer profile?

I have always been a big advocate of building a customer profile. Even going as far as knowing what your ideal client hangs on their refrigerator(DTM Tip). But honestly, can you describe them or even paint a picture of them. Try these questions, just to get a start and keep adding. The demographics you can Read More …