Going VIRAl, How do you do it?

  I hate re-blog a re-blog but Scott of Collective Wisdom should be complemented for bringing this post to me. We all want to create Buzz, nowadays an old term.  Todays, word is VIRAL…How do you do it? “ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom dedicated to Marketing, Advertising and the Creative Process“ – 1 new article Why do Read More …

Where is the off-line marketing concepts

  I think is very important for off-line and online presence to be similar if not exactly the same. We hardly can brand ourselves to much. 2 leading advocates of the Social Media have opinions of this today: Read John Jantsch’s Blog today for background. Read Kyle Macy’s recent post today for background. But I Read More …

Webinar, Seminar and Stuff, oh My!

I am becoming a big, big fan of Nancy Duarte’s material. She has made my presentations better! What more can I say. If you give any type of presentation take a look at the link for the last webinar below. Good Stuff. The book Slide:ology is pretty good too. The last webinar I did for Read More …

Why don’t I use Squidoo?

I always forget. I go to Slideshare, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook and on and on. But seldom do I use Squidoo, Why? It seems such an oversight because it is ideal for the posting of events. You can then post to Facebook, Ebay and even twitter.   http://www.squidoo.com/mannufacturermarketing http://www.squidoo.com/fundingyournonprofit Am I the only one that doesn’t use Read More …