Put an Emphasis on Evaluation and Monitoring

What I like about the Outcome-Based planning approach is the emphasis it puts on evaluation and monitoring. I like to think of it as the area that makes you smart. Organizations are always trying to create a future state, a place they want to be. This is often done in isolation away from customers or Read More …

Outcome-Based Persona

In a recent blog post and several others, Increase your Innovation Capacity: Manage your Sphere of Influence, I contend that the typical tools such as marketing funnels, customer journeys or sales cycles limits us to Goods-dominant logic (GD-logic) thinking and prevents us from viewing from the perspective of Service Dominant Logic (SD-Logic). If that is Read More …

EcoSystem = Customers Interacting with VP

When we start thinking of value in the Service Dominant Logic (SD-Logic) mindset, it is much easier to understand how successful products and services are now being developed. They are developed in a mindset of an ecosystem. Apple’s demand has not increased because of more features and benefits. It has increased because of more ways Read More …

Reproduction is not about Balance

The EcoSphere and “Original Ecosphere” are trademark names for sealed blown-glass miniature aquaria produced by Ecosphere Associates, Inc., of Tucson, Arizona, United States. The Original EcoSphere is the world’s first totally enclosed ecosystem – a complete, self-contained and self-sustaining miniature world encased in glass. You can purchase one and read the full description EcoSphere Closed Read More …

Increase your Innovation Capacity: Manage your Sphere of Influence

In an Outcome-Based mapping approach, we do not try to reach out immediately to the beneficiaries or all the people/organizations that may have an interest in our product or service. We reach out to people/organizations that we can influence. This is quite different from the Lean StartupTM approach where we are trying to find product/market Read More …