How to Discover Opportunity

There is always an opportunity. However, there is not a step by step method. Innovators, Start-Ups, and even Scaling Businesses look for that formula and try to think of an effective and efficient way to go about it. The problem that exists is that most opportunities are not created they are discovered. You have to Read More …

Dave Snowden’s Talk on Cynefin at LeanWX

LeanWX NYC 2015 was a five-day, single-track conference (Wednesday through Sunday). The conference incorporated short format 20 minute talks, keynotes, Lean Coffee, and open spaces and was organized around presentations, great food (including macaroons flown in from France), and discussions on how organizations can adopt LeanUX, Design Thinking, DevOps, and Kanban in their organizations. Will Read More …

Are we too SMART in our goals?

When setting goals, we have all been taught to use the acronym SMART. Of course, SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, just in case you forgot. We run our products, programs, and even our companies by this acronym. On top of this or an adjacent thought is the linear thinking of “cause Read More …

Sales is a Messy Industry

Our sales environment is changing. I believe that it can no longer be viewed from the sales and marketing funnels of the past. These funnels market to many and exclude people narrowing down to the ideal organization/person that eventually purchases. I believe we market toward opportunity and build funnels of opportunity versus funnels of exclusion Read More …