Reduce Customer Effort, Get More Business

Sound like a pretty easy thing to do? See what Eric Michrowski a globally recognized leader in combining Human Performance, Operational Excellence and Process Improvement to drive Business Transformations says about it: Related Podcast and Transcription Eric: A lot of the work that I’ve done in the past, particularly in the call-center space, is really Read More …

Leaders Get Hired to Grow Revenue

An excerpt from the book, CAP-Do: We now live in a world of excess supply and Leaders get hired to grow revenue. For the past 20 years, Lean has been sold from a perspective that faster, better, cheaper wins in the marketplace. It puts a high degree of value product/goods dominant logic (GD-Logic) thinking. Lean Read More …

Do We Know How to Learn from Customers?

Any reader of the Business901 blog or twitter followers for any length of time has heard words echoing in this space such as… “The only competitive advantage you have is the rate at which you learn from your customers.” “Positioning your organization in your customer’s playground is the most important role marketing has.” Along with Read More …

The Helping side of SD-Logic

One of the reasons I like the thinking that accompanies Service Dominant Logic is where it places organizations in relationship to the customer. It removes the organization from being an expert at the outset and focuses us on both giving and receiving help instead of the context of help is required. That mindset is a Read More …

Put an Emphasis on Evaluation and Monitoring

What I like about the Outcome-Based planning approach is the emphasis it puts on evaluation and monitoring. I like to think of it as the area that makes you smart. Organizations are always trying to create a future state, a place they want to be. This is often done in isolation away from customers or Read More …

EcoSystem = Customers Interacting with VP

When we start thinking of value in the Service Dominant Logic (SD-Logic) mindset, it is much easier to understand how successful products and services are now being developed. They are developed in a mindset of an ecosystem. Apple’s demand has not increased because of more features and benefits. It has increased because of more ways Read More …