UX, CX, Service Designers take Note

Chris Downey says, I’ve heard it said in the disability community that there are really only two types of people: There are those with disabilities, and there are those that haven’t quite found theirs yet. It’s a different way of thinking about it, but I think it’s kind of beautiful, because it is certainly far Read More …

SALES CAP-Do Canvas or Maybe an A3

SALES PDCA is the framework I use for the process that takes place in the customer sales and marketing cycle. It is a standard PDCA cycle except the SALES part of the framework is where the sales team gets its directions and coaching from the team coordinator and value stream manager. Within the actual PDCA Read More …

Is Kansei the Human Side of TRIZ

Kansei/Affective Engineering is essentially the human side of product development.  We are attempting to take customer’s feelings and convert them into our design. It is very much aligned with User Experience Design but more often used in product development firms and engineering departments versus Design firms and Web applications.  More background is provided about the Read More …

Emotional Engineering from Jaguar

Michelle O’Conner, “You don’t how much fun I am having in this car?” Ian Callum, Russ Varney, Mark White and Michelle O’Connor from Jaguar’s Design and Engineering teams talk about working together to create beautiful fast cars. If your mindset evolves around Service Dominant Logic thinking, you may view value from three points; Functional, Social, Read More …

User Personas replaced Buyer Personas?

Expanding your reach to as many people in an organization can be more important than finding and concentrating on the decision maker. You have to move away from the structure of selling to the traditional hierarchy that is demonstrated in a command and control environment. This is difficult at times because you have predefined outcomes Read More …

How to conduct a Good Interview

Katie Couric chats with producer Tony Maciulis about what makes a good interview. This video is part of the YouTube Reporters’ Center. To see more videos on how to report the news, or to post some ideas of your own, visit http://youtube.com/reporterscenter.   From creating an ad-hoc team to creating user personas, interviewing is becoming Read More …