Leading Lean from the Middle

Paul Yandell of Value Stream Focus was interviewed in the Business901 podcast, Transforming Lean thru Middle Managers. This is a transcription of the podcast. Paul Yandell is a manufacturing and supply chain specialist with strong skills in identifying and eliminating waste and improving operational performance.  His particular strengths are building infrastructure to support turnaround and Read More …

Does ROWE solve some Lean problems

In next weeks podcast, I have David Kasprzak, of the popular blog, My Flexible Pencil discussing  ROWE a concept developed by Jody Thompson and published in her book, Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: The Results-Only Revolution. An excerpt from the podcast: Joe:  That’s a very interesting point, because that’s what always frustrates Read More …

Quality through Individual Actions Presentation

Below is a presentation that I will be giving this week to the Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Kentucky. It will be during the winter training school and focus on Building a Quality Program through your Actions. This an hour long presentation and I noticed a few parts that the subject matter may seem to jump Read More …

Can the Lean Knowledge Worker cope with Leader Standard Work?

Leader Standard Work is becoming more commonplace and the standard for the development of a Lean Culture. It is extremely adaptable and found both in trade and professional services. It excels in experienced based professions but it may struggle in what I would call knowledge-based services. The problem is there are more knowledge-based jobs being Read More …

Blog Carnival Annual Roundup: 2011: The 99 Percent Solution

I am honored this year to be part of John Hunter’s Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog Carnival. John is one of the pioneers in just not using internet technology but in using it to improve organizational performance and in a way to get results. I encourage you to browse his site. It is littered with Read More …

How a Jazz Quartet exhibits Pull

Stefon Harris: There are no mistakes on the bandstand – What is a mistake? By talking through examples with his improvisational Jazz quartet, Stefon Harris walks us to a profound truth: many actions are perceived as mistakes only because we don’t react to them appropriately. More importantly, Stefon description of how pull works in the Read More …