Theory of Constraints = Buffer Management

Dr. Eli Goldratt, founder of the Theory of Constraints, said Reaching The Goal: How Managers Improve a Services Business Using Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints was one of the best books ever written on TOC. It was published in 2008 by IBM Press and authored by Dr. John Ricketts, a practitioner and innovator in the field Read More …

How to Find Future Constraints

I always think innovation is forward thinking. How do I know where that constraint is in the future? I asked that question of Mike Dalton, the founder of Guided Innovation Group, whose simple mission is helping companies turn their new product innovation into bottom-line impact. The Guided Innovation System™, their unique TOC-based approach to rapid innovation Read More …

How to See the Other Side of a Conversation

We often struggle to see views different than ours. Though we may make the effort, we keep coming back to our viewpoint to frame the correct answer. In sales, it is even more difficult because we are trying to have the person/organization to see our side, but also to resolve the problem by purchasing a Read More …

Moving the CODP towards the Customers Point of Use.

Rob van Stekelenborg is the author of Dumontis blog and a recent article Pushing and Pulling in the Supply Chain. In the blog, Rob discussed Customer Order Decoupling Point (CODP). A brief excerpt: The (customer order) decoupling point (CODP) or order penetration point is one of the most well-known logistical concepts. It indicates the inventory Read More …

Follow the Knowledge Jolt with Jack

I am honored once again to be part of John Hunter’s Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog Carnival. The roundup is a review of blogs by other bloggers within the Lean community. John is one of the pioneers in using internet technology and using it to improve organizational performance in a way to get results. I Read More …

Include a Fluff Cycle in your Day

Every Lean Enterprise practices all kinds of cycles with PDCA being the most prevalent. But has anyone ever asked you to include a Fluff Cycle? My idea of a Fluff Cycle is a deliberate effort to reward you after a period of intense concentration. Greg explains how he uses this technique to enable short bursts Read More …